Woman & Home Wonder Women
This tender moment is brought to you by Hannah and Colin.
I’ve been busy writing some lovely features for lovely magazines. Were I capable of more regular commitments to the art of blogging, I would share more of them here with you, but alas, I dip in and I dip out. At the moment, I appear to be in a state of flow so let’s go with it.
It is my prerogative and my joy to write about women who love animals, women who are kind to other kinds and women who do good for the planet.
First up, meet Colin the pig and Hannah the human. These two are an adorable pair with a special connection. You can follow Colin’s adventures here and read about him in Woman & Home below. Hannah’s story is accompanied by Amanda & Jupiter and Amanda & Jasmine, telling their tales of the animals who helped them along life’s bumpy roads. Animals have a way of doing that, don’t they?
Staying with Woman & Home, a while back I wrote about some wonderful plant powered legends. Niki, of Rebel Recipes, my all time favourite cookbook. Theresa, of Skin Alchemists, a gorgeous woman who makes gorgeous, organic, natural skin care or ‘skin food’ as she delightfully calls it. And Lucie, of Bath Culture House, who makes chease, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha. These are vegan founded, vegan brands and I ruddy love them all.
I love writing the Woman & Home Brand New Directions page, where we meet women running small brands. Woman & Home are a smashing magazine who love to celebrate the green and the good. In a recent issue we profiled sustainable, ethical beauty brands. All vegan friendly, of course. Melissa’s Awake Organics sells a magnificent shampoo powder and Banasa’s haircare brand Ksoni smells divine and is plastic-free. I buy both on repeat now. In fact it was only a while after I’d moved on to something else and started having lank, sad hair days again that I realised the last time I’d had a run of good hair days was when I was using Awake Organics shampoo powder and Ksoni conditioner. Lesson learned, bought loads more. Finally we have Mary-Rose and her facial oils, Skinirvana. I’ve written about this life-changing oil before and I hope to write about it again. It’s the only thing I’ve put on my face for about three years now and my skin has never been happier. I don’t cleanse, I don’t tone, I don’t moisturise, I just oil.
So that’s a little window into my workings. I am lucky to write about such talented and inspiring women!