Not Such A Rocky Road


I don't mean to be a Sally Show Off, but I have actually made food taste and look good. I know, stop all the clocks, this is major. Loyal readers will know that this is a rarity, on account of something always going wrong. I'd like to blame elements beyond my control but it's usually that I haven't read the recipe correctly / forgotten an ingredient / can't take photos / do a bodge job. 

I whipped up some Rocky Road bars but, get this, I tinkered with the recipe and it was still delicious. I mean what the shit! This never happens!

Oozing with goji berries, pistachios and most importantly, chocolate.

Oozing with goji berries, pistachios and most importantly, chocolate.


I'm not seven, so I removed marshmallows from the line up and added tiny bits of crystallised ginger, as well as sprinklings of good quallo sea salt. This was a seriously smashing ingredient addition.

It's a simple recipe (maybe that's where I went right) so without further ado, here's how and some more pictorial evidence of my feat.


My creations:

Triangles are my favourite shape... but...

Triangles are my favourite shape... but...

I cut some into rectangles too because all shapes are fun shapes.

I cut some into rectangles too because all shapes are fun shapes.