Meet: Emily Goyal | The Plant Powered Mum

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Emily and I spent a very special weekend together as co-pilots, along with our friend Rachael, co-planning and co-hosting our mutual and very wonderful friend Amy's Hen Party many moons ago. I’ve loved all the hen parties I’ve attended but this one was extra - and I’m not just saying that because I helped organise it. The guests were all so awesome - few of whom I knew beforehand, all of whom I loved by the end of the weekend. There was magic in the air, if, when I say magic, you think ‘Gary Barlow’.

Emily and I have been there for each other’s vegan journeys in the years since, often sending vegan themed WhatsApp messages because you know, sometimes only another vegan will understand why you went to Iceland and bought 15 boxes of No Bull Burgers. She’s a much more vocal vegan than I am, always sharing her latest tips, discoveries and dinners. I love that about her. She’s a brand ambassador, and the brand is plants.

Here’s what you might expect from her grid, a lot of enviable food porn (with strong spoon game) and a lot of Emily’s smiley happy vegan face:


Enjoy Emily’s vegan adventures on Instagram at @theplantpoweredmum.

Q ~ Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

A ~ Amy Winehouse (she is a sorely missed icon, I bet she’d have some brilliant stories), Beyoncé (she goes plant based occasionally and I’d like to convince her to fully embrace it as she’s so influential!) Helen Thorn and Ellie Gibson (the scummy mummies - for entertainment purposes), Bella Mackie (incredible author/journalist/instagrammer), my good friends Amy, Laura and David. 

Q ~ What would you serve at this VIP (Vegan Important People) dinner party of dreams?

A ~ Have to start with the cauliflower wings from Plant …. Then vegan pizzas from The Pizza Pony I’d make margaritas for everyone! And we’d finish with a lovely cake from the very talented Molly at VE bakes. 

Q ~ What do you wish people knew about veganism?

A ~ We aren’t making it up! I often think people think we are exaggerating or making up the suffering of animals as they’re so deeply in denial about it all. Also if you think you could go vegan but there’s a particular non vegan thing you’d miss too much, just cut out everything except that to begin with. You can make a huge difference without putting too much pressure on yourself, it’s really not that hard.

Q~ What does veganism mean to you?

A ~ Being kind. Kind to animals, kind to the planet and kind to my body. 

Q ~ Is there anything you dislike about being vegan?

A ~ Knowing so much about the suffering animals endure and then being made to feel like the weird one for not wanting to add to it. 

Q ~ Have you ever questioned your decision?

A ~ No, other than why I didn’t do it sooner, I was veggie for 20 years before going vegan!

Q ~ Are you aware of any others going vegan or eating fewer animal products inspired by you?

A ~ Yes! A friend of mine has started trying some vegan food - he eats meat but has tried a few swaps. My aunt has hugely cut down on meat and dairy too. Oh and my own husband went fully vegan a year after I did! 

Q ~ If we should all follow one brilliant vegan Instagram account, who should it be? 

A ~ @lauratheveganmum

Thank you Emily! Follow Emily’s vegan adventures here.