She can’t, but you can.
We started watching the Mike Leigh film Peterloo the other night. Didn’t finish it (yet) because sleep came along, but it brought to my attention that until the Reform Acts were introduced, most men (let alone women) did not have the right to vote.
They fought for it. Some died for it. Two in every five Englishmen had the vote in 1870 and they were homeowners with an annual value of a tenner. Own less than that and you can stay home on polling day.
Jesus H, we have come SUCH a long way. And yet, not everyone has registered to vote. Check out this pie chart! Got to love a pie chart for making your point.
I wasn't sure who I was going to vote for in the upcoming Gen El, but I knew for sure I would vote. I am a swing voter and have previously swung between Labour, Lib Dems and Green. I was disappointed my dad was Conservative but I wasn’t really sure why I felt that way. I hadn't read any party manifestos. Boris and the Tories were just not my vibe.
My dad and I are registered to postal vote. It seems more efficient to me, just in case I'm busy on Dec 12th. When our paperwork arrived I joked that I'd sabotage his vote, seeing as we're in a Tory stronghold and they really didn't need another vote. Probably illegal but we're family so it's fine.
A poorly designed and poorly edited flyer from the Lib Dem candidate arrived and I felt weary.
I watched Boris, Jeremy, Jo and Nicola take questions from the public and I felt weary. If I had to vote for anyone based on their performance that night, it’d be Fiona Bruce.
Then I took this quiz. And everything became clear.
I’m Green, baby!
I'm so Green it's a bloody landslide.
I sent the quiz to my mum, dad, sister and husband and what do you know? We're all Green! Even my Tory faithful father!
I asked my most politically savvy friend if voting Green was a wasted vote and she told me about Tactical Vote. Here in North Wiltshire, tactical voting is unlikely to make a difference, so we should vote with our hearts. We should vote to send a message that we want a greener future and by the way, Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems, there will be no future to fight over if we don't prioritise the climate crisis.
Here I am with my dad, off to proudly post our vote. I didn't have to sabotage his vote because he voted in line with his quiz result, like an absolute legend.
I don't care how you vote. I just care that you vote. Stand up and be counted, my friends. But… before you mark a cross in a box, do take the quick quiz. We were all surprised by our results and in lieu of actually reading all the manifestos, it’s a great way to find out which party actually represents your political persuasion. Then, vote!
HOT OFF THE PRESS! Channel 4 are holding the world’s first TV climate & nature election debate, Thursday 28th November at 7pm. Tune in!