The Vegan Kind | A Review
Fridge magnet. Babe magnet. Now the word magnet has gone weird in my head.
One of my favourite days of the month is The Vegan Kind goody box arrival day. I forget it’s coming, start to feel longing and a pang of anticipation about what delectations may soon be mine, then it arrives and yay, post! Pressies! Yes, I paid for them, but still, pressies!
It’s a bit like Santa went vegan, upped his game from a mere once a year to an impressive once a month and switched the flimsy stocking for a sturdy box. On TVK GBAD (an acronym I just made up - The Vegan Kind Goody Box Arrival Day. Unfortunately ‘box arrival day’ looks BAD. I need to work on my acronyms, because TVK arrival day is a GOOD day) the postman knocks, I open the door, instantly recognise the white box with the green typography, do a little scream and yelp: THANK YOU KEVIN! as he shuffles off, wishing he never told me his name. I make my merry way to the sofa for the big reveal. Honestly, you’re welcome round mine anytime, it’s a laugh a minute.
It was an omni friend who tipped me off about TVK. Her heart bursts with golden glitter balls of kindness and when I went vegan, she showed me that not all my omni friends would hate me. She sent me links to articles she’d spotted, she suggested vegan restaurants for us to meet at, she sent me vegan chocolate presents in the post (did I mention I love post?)
And so it was that I signed myself up for a monthly box of treats from This Vegan Kind.
The above picture illustrates a particularly good month. It was the month TVK introduced me to a vegan Nutella alternative. Gone are the days, but oh were they the days, that I used to spoon globs of Nutella goo into my gob. Give up dairy, give up Nutella. I'd tried a few dairy free alternatives, hoping they might be as delicious as Nutella, but they were not. But behold, my vegan friends, this shizzle is the real dizzle. It is just as delicious as Nutella, in fact more so because everything is 269%* tastier when it comes without a side portion of animal suffering.
Let me nibble a tiny little morsel of this stuff right now, just to check it is as lovely as I'm telling you it is. Back shortly. Just literally a teaspoon's worth.
Founded in 2013 by a genetically blessed pair of vegans in Glasgow, their aim is to introduce us to yummy brands of food and drink while including keepers like magnets, mugs, badges and candles. Well, you can’t keep a candle for long, especially not the wonderful soy candles they sent out in December. I burned that to nothing jumping on the hygge bandwagon, trying to cosy up my winter sitting room vibes.
The Christmas box - mince pies, Christmas chocs, Christmas scented candles...
You never know what you’re going to get, but you always get your money’s worth. I’m yet to be disappointed by the surprises.
They’re funny on Instagram too - you know when you follow an account and you think damn it, we would be friends in a parallel universe. I have to make do with pressing the heart button a lot.
A vegan mug for your tea.
A vegan badge for your lapel.
At first my husband grumbled that the notion of paying for a box of surprises was a waste of money. (My money, I hasten to add, I’m not spending our 'joint' money.) But as most of the sweet treats ended up in his stomach, he soon stopped complaining and I dare say even began to buzz around the box on Arrival Day like a moth to a flame, hoping I might be in a kind sort of a mood and give him all the chocolate. Which I always do, cos I'm a keeper.
This popcorn deserves a close up. It was DELICIOUS.
I have just visited the Ninas website to get the link in case you want to buy dem dere tasty popcorn dreams (you're welcome) and I see they also do a 'sweet coconut, Himalayan pink salt and maca' popping corn. BE STILL MY BEATING HEART! I bought a 12 pack quicker than a corn pops on the hob. Cinema trips just upped their game!
For £10 a month (plus £3.15 p&p) you too can be the proud owner of a box of vegan fun. I highly recommend it - and for those who prefer cosmetic delights, they do a beauty box too. It’s so lovely to receive a monthly box, support a vegan company and discover new brands. My omni friend did good.
When your lip balm obsession and your avocado obsession collide on your face.